Conserving Water when you Work in a Greenhouse

Water is the source of life in a greenhouse. For the United Nations World Water Day, we are sharing some of the ways our greenhouse is taking steps to protect our precious water resources. Our greenhouses save thousands of litres of fresh-water each month by recycling water and collecting rainwater.
Rainwater Collection.
Each greenhouse has a special reservoir that collects rainwater, which we use to water our plants with! The reservoirs vary in size depending on the watering needs of that particular location. Most of our greenhouses are located on the "Rainy West Coast" of Canada, which means that we have the opportunity to use a lot of rainwater instead of city water.
Rainwater is great for our plants because it is fresh and natural.
Watering the Plants.
A lot of water can be wasted if it does not reach the roots of a plant. Sprinklers and "overhead" watering end up wasting water that doesn't reach the soil and the roots. For some plants overhead watering can damage the delicate flowers or even cause moldy berries.
Our greenhouses have special floors that are designed to retain water and allow the plant roots to soak up what each individual plant needs. These floors water the roots of the plants directly instead of the tops of the plant/soil.
Watering the Right Amount at the Right Time.
Plants need varying amounts of water to be happy! Did you know that too much water can be just as harmful as not enough water? If plants are watered too much, their roots can “suffocate” from the lack of oxygen! This is known as root-rot, which can be identified when an unhappy plant has very damp/heavy soil and the roots turn brown.
Our growers are experts at using our water efficiently to avoid waste and keep our plants happy!
Water Recycling Systems.
Most of our greenhouses are designed with some kind of trough or collection system that captures any run-off water the plants don’t absorb. We collect the used and dirty water, then filter it ourselves so that it can be recycled and re-used for the same plants.
Water-Conscious Office Space.
Our offices are equipped with water-efficient appliances and motion-sensing taps.
The amount of water wasted in the production of single-use bottles, plates, and cups is astronomical. To reduce the number of plastic bottles being used, and the number of cups being washed, the company provided water bottles to each employee and installed a water filter. Our office also has a full-sized kitchen with stoves to allow employees to cook meals rather than bring in take-out. Using the provided dishes and dishwasher is another way we reduce waste and water consumption.
What Now?
There are small things you can do each day that add up to a big difference!
Here are a few tips:
- Water your plants with repurposed water or collected rainwater.
- Skip the Rinse on your dishes when loading them into the dishwasher.
- Cut your grass around 2 inches tall.
- Water plants only when needed in mornings or evenings.
- Use water responsibly: take shorter showers, turn off the taps, check for leaks in your home regularly, and install water efficient appliances.
- Be a part of the conversation! What does water mean to you?

More Resources.
If you would like to learn some more, this is a short list of resources to get you started:
Website: World Water Day by the United Nations Water.
Short Video: by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations on World Water Day 2021: What does water mean to you?
Website for Kids: and is an informational site that has more than 100 ways to conserve water, including videos, games, tips and challenges for kids.
Article with Infographic: by New York American Water with tips for conserving Water in your Garden/Yard during the summer.